Tuesday, 31 July 2012

TutFind :Fun with python

I dont like googling for tutorials. Thats why I made TutFind- a download utility just for web learners. TutFind makes use of Google to find possible pages where we will get free stuff and download it. This multi threaded application simultaneously search hundreds of pages by traversing the web in a limited depth. Python's powerful urllib and  regular-expression form the core of this application.
Here I am searching for PDFs of python tutorial. I gave the search keywords "python tutorial" and specified that I want PDF documents by entering ".pdf" as file extension. Also the target folder ids set to "dest". We will get a collection of PDF tutorials at /home/dest (sorry about the poor GUI facilities provided). On search, we got a list of available PDF(Here they are only four since the depth and breadth of search is set very small).
Now lets see what we have now in dest

Monday, 30 July 2012

Quadrapassel Using Pygame

Hi friends, Here is my version of Quadrapassel the legendary tile matching puzzle video game of 1984.Quadrapassel  is the first video game i ever played and this my first pygame too, using very basics of python and pygame library. Quadrapassel is one of my favorite games. The goal is to fill a complete row of bricks and clear it. I imagine those incoming bricks  as "opportunities" and accumulated ones as circumstances in life. Use them wisely or we will lose.
Screenshot: Pygame display
Here’s the source code.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

An English Malayalam Translitrator

Here is an English to Malayalam transliterator  perform conversion of English script to phoneticly equivalent Malayalam script using a Decision tree based algorithm.

The decision tree outline
The converter parse the input English string character by character, and maps each character to a Malayalam Unicode character, based on surrounding context. This context is determined three or more characters at right side or right three or more characters  left or both. These checks for determining surrounding context is done by decision tree. At each node of the decision tree, when we traverse it, an elementary check about surrounding context is carried out. The result decides the next check to be carried out or the final mapping to Malayalam Unicode character or string.

Here is my git hub rep

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

A virtual mouse with IR sensor array

This is an attempt to make an extreme low cost virtual mouse. The user can perform mouse actions by hand gestures. The work is done as part of my B.Tech projects. Here we followed the common way of tracking motion with multiple simple proximity sensors and the ideas from the existing gestural pointing device for gesture recognition.

The device has a sensor array composed of Infrared LEDs (IR133-A) and Photo-transistors (PT333-3C) interfaced with an Arduino board. When each LEDs are illuminated, the reflected infrared radiations are measured using these photo-transistors which gives voltage levels indicating spatial orientation of finger tips. These voltage levels are used for finding approximate distance from a sensor to finger tip in front of it. So an array of distances is calculated each time. We have a USB Driver running on PC that queries the device, 50 times in a second, fetching these informations. A simple  pattern recognition algorithm detects current mouse gestures. The movement of hand is estimated analyzing consecutively fetched distance arrays.
Two consecutively fetched distance arrays indicating a hand movement